Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mindless Bliss

This blog is entitled so because it is the state I aim for at the end of the day. It is my small nirvana. I know everyone has been in a "mindless bliss" before. It is that feeling when you are staring at the television and you slowly feel yourself not watching anymore; when you are watching children play and the children slowly disappear to your periphery; when you look out over a forest and the trees slowly fade to...bliss. It is that state where all your stress and worries fade to the back of the line and you just enjoy being alive.

I tend to see "mindless bliss" in children more than adults, probably because the attainment of nirvana, or bliss, is much easier the less life you live. My niece tends to veer off the conscious train a few times a day at least. She gets the glazed look over her eyes and you can tell that she is just staring at her heaven. Why do adults feel they need to stop this?

I tried keeping up a journal a few years ago (well, more than a few) and I found that I hate writing with a pen...let's hope typing is a lot easier for me to keep up with. This will just be a "blog" of what I'm thinking, feeling and dealing with. If no one reads it, I will just be satisfied that it is here.

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