Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Auntie Julianne

Sleeping like his dad

Here are some pictures of him sleeping and with the aunts and uncles. Apparently, he has gotten his sleep habits from the dad. I always sleep with my hands up by my face, and it looks like he has already inherited that trait.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Samuel Ignatius Johnston

He has come.

The contractions started to become more intense around 3:30pm, so we decided to head to the hospital. They admitted us at 4pm and took us to our Labor and Delivery Room. Lauren was doing great with the contractions and she measured at 5cm when we arrived. The contractions were getting stronger by the minute, so we decided to do the epideral. I had to leave the room during the process, but I came back and Lauren had a nice big smile on her face. She could not feel any more contractions.

Two hours later, we had the parade of visitors and Lauren had a huge smile on her face with every one of them. All of them commented on her great attitude. The doctor came back at 6pm and measured her at the same 5cm. So, doctor decided to burst her bag to hurry up the delivery.

Two hours later, nothing had progressed so she decided to start her on the petocin...

Finally, at 11:26 doctor decided to have Lauren start pushing. It looked like Lauren was doing great, but two hours later, the head was still not coming out. The baby's head should be face down to get through the pelvis, but Sammy was looking to the side a little, which was stopping him from going all the way through. The doctor came back (from being awakened from a slumber) and decided to move things a little faster. She helped Lauren go a little faster and at 1:51, little Sammy Johnston entered the world.

Tears could not be held back from Lauren and I. I was nervous, at first, because doctor asked the NICU team to be there because Sammy's heart rate was climbing up to 200 bpm. When he came out, his head was elongated because of the prolonged pushing session, and I was scared some permanent damage was done. But, apparently this is my first birth because no one else was concerned.

He came it at six pounds, one ounce and nineteen inches long. A tall, skinny fella'.

Mommy is sore, but she is recovering nicely. We are all enjoying our new gift. Thanks for all the prayers...they were answered.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

He's Coming!

It looks like Sammy wants out. Contractions started this morning and it looks like we will be headed to the hospital soon. Our regular doctor visit was this morning (thank God) and she said Lauren was 3-4 centimeters dialated and everything look good on the monitors. If the contractions got worse today, then we should go in tonight. If not, then tomorrow morning for sure. Well, it looks like the contractions are progressing, so tonight it will be.

Wish us luck!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bottom of the 7th...

...down by 11 runs...no chance, right?

We start slow with a run here and a run there. Eventually, there are two outs and I'm gonna be third up...we are down six runs...bases loaded. I'm thinking...there's no way I'll get up...BOOM...Ed hits a grand slam...down by two. Rudy gets up...dings a triple to right center. Crap...now I'm up..."just don't blow it" is racing through my head. I hit a sharp grounder to the hole between third and short, but the shortstop makes a great play...but Rudy deeks him by faking to home...stalling him just enough for me to dash to first (bum toe and all) and beat out the throw by a half step.

So now the deuces are wild...two outs, two on base, down by two. Chuck is at the plate. I see the pitch go up...and I see Chuck's eyes light up...I sprint to second, knowing he's gonna go for it. He hits a line drive over shortstop. I'm knowing that I will tie the game, but when I touch home plate I turn around and see the ball went in between the outfielders and Chuck is hustling home. WALK OFF HOME RUN!

We win! Our first victory in about six months. It feels good to be on the winning side for a change.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Still waiting...

Lauren's guess date is tomorrow, but it does not look like it will happen, even though Sammy is positioning himself for the big dive. He woke mommy up early this morning with his daybreak calisthenics. It feels like he is doing the back stroke.

Baby watch 2008 continues...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Countdown Starts...

I can't believe it has been a month since my last post. Sorry everyone (if anyone is paying attention).

We went to the doctor today and Sammy measured 6lbs. 10 oz. Everything looks right on schedule. Lauren's birthday prediction was this Saturday, but that definitely does not look like it will happen. My prediction of May 6 is looking better everyday. Sammy wanted some IHOP, so we both ate some Rooty Tooty Fresh and Frooties for lunch.

Our house is officially a disaster area. We have been moving furniture and putting new furniture together. We are scrambling before the third part of the family arrives. Today is Independence Day, so there should be a lot more time starting tomorrow.

Lauren is feeling great and looking even better. Everyone says pregnancy suits her well. She might just get her wish in the coming months.