Monday, September 21, 2009


A haircut was much overdue, so the deed was done over the weekend...much to the dismay of my lovely wife. She likes when my hair is long, I like it short. It is a never ending battle, but I always win is my hair!!

But, the nerve of the woman doing the trimming said a dye treatment could do me well, because of my obvious graying hair. For one thing, LADY, it is not obvious. The two or three blades of gray on my scalp does not constitute a full head of dye. Secondly, back down woman.The hair on my head is becoming more and more a rarity. Dying it will only quicken the exodus of my follicles and push me to the razor sooner.

The nerve of some people.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pants-less Sam

So, I hadn't posted a picture in a while, so here is my newest favorite. It was stolen from Nicole's camera, so I hope she doesn't mind the thievery.

So, I gave Lauren a night off last night and made her go to the Dodger game. A sacrifice on many levels considering my love for the Boys in Blue, it was fleece blanket night and Andre Ethier had a walk-off home run...another one. But, Lauren deserved it and I was happy to spend time with my boy.

However, he only had 15 minutes of naptime all day and I was prepared to play with him for a little while, feed him and put him to bed. He had different plans. I guess I'm a lot of fun to play with, because he kept going until 9pm like a champ. I then sat down with my dinner and watched the end of the game until it got to the bottom of the ninth...we are losing by a run. I text Lauren and she says we will win...her little psychic thing. Ethier gets a double and Matt Kemp comes up with two outs. I know he will get a hit (because Lauren says so), but Sam decides to wake up screaming. So I hit pause and attend to him.

He proceeds to scream for about 15 minutes without any ability on my part to console him...and I tried everything. So, I thought he might be dirty so I took his pants off. He immediately stops screaming and falls asleep. So, he slept great the rest of the night without any pants. I quietly told him that his future teachers will not accept this type of attire when kindergarten comes around.

So, I then unpaused the game and watched Matt Kemp get a basehit to tie the game. Ninety minutes later, at the command of my lovely wife, Andre Ethier hits a two-run homer in the bottom of the 13th inning to seal the deal.

It's good to see most men cannot stand up to her. I don't feel so bad.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lucky or Unlucky?

The poker tournament was on Saturday and I have come to the conclusion that, in the end, poker comes down to luck. By luck, I do not mean putting all your chips in the middle and pray (which is what some of the players did on Saturday). I mean that you have to play well and hope to not get unlucky.

I was playing well...even with the alcohol flowing through me. Reading my opponents, making good guesses on their hands. For a lot of them, I was giving them more credit than they deserved. But there were two hands that broke me and both involved me getting unlucky. The main hand was when I had AA and the flop came King, Jack, Four...two spades. I felt my opponent was playing a draw so I went all in, in the hopes of him folding because I was pretty confident I could get the best of him down the road. I didn't expect him to call all his chips with a 30% chance of getting his card. He had two spades in his hand (which is what I thought) and...of course, he got is fifth spade on the turn. The poker pros always say that all you can do is get your chips in with the best hand. I did that all night, but I still ended up in 10th place.

So, my apologies to Party Poker, PokerStars and Facebook poker sites. Apparently, bad beats happen with a good old deck of cards as well. I guess losing the Mega Millions Jackpot was not the end of my unlucky streak.