Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lake Arrowhead and Santa

We spent the Thanksgiving weekend up in Arrowhead with The Family. It is capitalized now because it is has reached the over ten count. There were eleven of us up there in a great cabin by the golf course...(26669 Thunderbird for future reference). Lauren did not like the three sixes in the address, but it turned out to be nothing...just our souls being taken over by the devil, Lucifer, himself.

The cabin included a loft area for the new family...mostly for Sam. A great family room with big screen for us to watch the Notre Dame "Fighting" Irish get stomped and for the family band practice we call "Guitar Hero". It also included a great game room downstairs (yup...three levels) which included a pool table, bar and our new love...shuffleboard. I believe Jim is building his own shuffleboard at home...I think I saw large lumber in their front yard the other day.

The real reason we spend Turkey weekend up there is for the sales. Yup! Forget the family time and fun times with's all about shopping...40%, 50% 60%...oh my! Van Heusen, Jockey, Bass and Izod...the four horsemen of the apocalypse came down on our checking account. But we have a new how can we argue?

This weekend also introduced Sam Johnston to Santa Claus. Here are a few pictures to document the occasion...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven Months...

Sam is seven months today and growing by the day! He is in the beginning stages of crawling. He doesn't crawl much when you are watching him, but when you turn your back for a minute, he is two feet away from where he was before.

He is also getting his next set of teeth in. He now has three teeth on the top and one more on the bottom to make it an even six. By the hurts more when he bites you now.

This past month has been mobbed by the change of scenery. My grandma gave the okay for us to move into her house, get rid of her stuff to get the house ready to sell and be first in line to buy it in June. SO...we have been hurrying to move out of our apartment, move most of her stuff out of her very full house, and move our stuff in. We are almost done...but it seems like we have a long way to go. We have a deadline of Sunday, but it is really this Wednesday since we will be in Arrowhead this weekend. Most of us have moved so you will understand how hard it is to move into a FULL house...let alone an empty one. But we are making do.

The house is growing on us. I have to admit, that sleeping in their bedroom was a little weird the first time, but the more our stuff goes into the house, the more the house feels like our own. Lauren is starting to like it more and more also...mostly because of the closet space. Of course, there will need to be some capital improvements to make it our semi-dream house...but we'll wait on those until we make the first loan payment.

I just came back from a non-profit conference in Charleston. The conference was great...if you are interested in databases and non-profit fundraising...but the walking around downtown Charleston was the best. It's the second largest historical site (only Rome is larger) in the world. We took a carriage tour around the city and a walking tour at our leisure afterwards. We had a beer in a church and dinner at a Navy landing station (Fleet's Landing). A fun week, but it was tough being away from the family for so long.

Well, that is the most of it. We are looking forward to this weekend...partly for the weather, partly for the family fun, but mostly because it means we are done moving out of the apartment.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Six Months!

Yeah yeah yeah...I haven't posted in two months. What of it! I have been a little busy. I'm taking care of the child three days a week while Lauren has gone back to work. It started out a little stressful, but now has turned into joy. We are bonding as he is learning my quirks and I am learning his. I feel a little sorry for him as mine are a bit much compared to his.

He is doing well. He turns six months tomorrow (Yay! SIDS be gone!) and we are taking him to Disneyland for the first time...well not Disneyland, but Disneyland's infant stepchild, California Adventure.

He got his first two teeth right after the last doctor's visit and he still has two teeth (bottom front) for two months now. He keeps telling us that he is about to get some more, but they haven't come through yet.

He is starting solid food...and not liking it too you can see in the picture.

He is getting better at laying on his stomach and on the verge of crawling. I think he might just skip the crawling and move straight to walking. I have never seen a baby with as strong legs as him. He can stand for a long time without his legs giving out like most babies. He just has that balance thing to figure out and he will be running before long.

The days I take care of him usually consist of him waking at 8am (I know...we are lucky when it comes to him sleeping at night). He plays for about two hours and goes back down at 10 or 11am for a couple hours. He wakes up and we play some more for a couple hours. When he falls back to sleep around 2pm, I start to get ready to go to my parents. They don't know this, but they are kind of my savior. Twelve hours is a long time and it is wonderful to break it up with Uncle Jim, Aunt Julianne and Grandma. Plus, I can get my Guitar Hero fix in.

On a personal note...the Dodgers did their best in twenty years, but failed in the League Championship. I think they should only sign Manny for two or three years. But we'll see what happens. It was a fun year...but like every offseason, us fans are mumbling with phrase, " year".

The Trojans laid an egg on the Beaver field again. It was kind of funny hearing mom talk trash to Uncle Pat in Oregon. If there was one team in the Pac-10 to give us some competition, I like the fact that it is the school where our cousin is going.

The golf game is getting better. I still have the goal of a Senior Tour Card by 2037. But, I'm not sure Lauren will allow that much practice for me. We'll see. are some pictures over the past couple months to ease the thirst for Sammy. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Month Four...

Sammy has turned four months and is becoming a happier baby! In the past week he has...

...gone to the doctor and weighed in at 14lbs. 7.5oz
...gotten his second round of shots and did not enjoy it
...was told that he was not teething, even though we know he is
...rolled over onto his stomach from his right side
...rolled back over
...rolled over on his left side
...ate rice cereal for the first time (wasn't quite sure what to think of it)
...took a ride in his jumper, but can't quite touch the floor yet

What a busy week!

Lauren goes back to work in two weeks (Sep. 8) and not looking forward to it...but she might enjoy the company of adults. I think she will have a much different perspective on her job now that she is a mother. I will be reversing her schedule and hope to enjoy the company of Sam for three days a week.

On a personal note...I have been welcoming the addiction to golf with open arms. My goal is a senior tour card by the time I'm 50 (in 2027). I don't know if that will happen, but the lessons start soon (thanks LO) and I have high hopes. As the softball career dwindles, the golf career accelerates...and the foot is to the floor.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past 105 days...

Summer of Sam continues...

So the summer continues and Sammy has reach 106 days old (that is 15 weeks for the normal person). At three months he seemed to switch off the collick and become a happy the picture suggests. Overall, he has been excellent. The picture below is when we found out that he loves to sit on my shoulders and pound my head like a snare drum. Maybe he will be a civil war re-enacting drummer...hopefully not.

However, starting last night, the two months of bliss ended and he has begun the teething stage. It was a long evening with crying and no solution until I zoomed over to the CVS and bought some Oralgel to sooth the gums. Poor Sammy. It hurts to see him cry.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bill is in L.A!!

So we went to the Dodger game last night and found out that Bill Sneed never actually went to England and instead, took a job as a Dodger security guard.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Tahoe was amazing. Some of the highlights include...

...Sammy surviving the ride up (starting at 5a.m.) and we visit Lauren's aunt, uncle and cousins in Murphys on the way. She made us lunch and showed us around her home. She had some baby chickens that she was raising and trying to keep from being the meals of the nearest wildlife. We made it in to Tahoe around 6p.m. and Greg was there with a MaiTai ready for Jim and I...thirteen hours is a long time to be on the road.

...A trip on the Tahoe Queen where we rode to Emerald Bay, listening to stories of the early days of Tahoe (origin of Squaw Valley, Sinatra's Casino, the oldest bar in Nevada), watched Sammy sleep the entire trip, and we all got sunburned.

...Biking in Camp Richardson and trying to beat the 6p.m. curfew the rental company gave us.

...Jim and I gambling in the casinos on Thursday and winning...and drowning...then trying to find Chris' room with a little too much alcohol in the system. Then falling asleep while everyone else went down for dinner...then sneaking leftovers from an all-you-can-eat restaurant before the manager realizes what is happening.

...Sea-Doos on the calm water...going 35 MPH. Then telling Chris and Lauren we barely got wet while they come back drenched the next day.

...Fireworks on the lake...arriving 10 minutes beforehand (when we were advised to come 12 hours beforehand to save a spot) and getting a perfect spot to see the entire show...Sammy slept through 75% of the show.

...Jim's BBQ of bacon wrapped hot dogs and gourment

...Gin Rummy and Phase 10.

...keeping Pat away from Sam.

...Rum-runners at Beacons...I hear they were good.

...Wet Woody's at Riva Grill...I know they are good.

...Group betting on baseball parlays and losing every time (once losing every game in the parlay...not easy to do).

...Taking a stab at poker tournaments (again) and finally realizing that cash games in casinos is the only way to use skill. Tournament blinds are raised so frequently and steeply that it really is a luck game.

...Never playing poker again while I was up there.

...The ride back through the 395, which is more wilderness and expanded beauty than the 5 going up...but more two lane highways. Also, leaving at 10:30a.m. is much different than leaving at Sammy's point of view.

Here are some photos for your enjoyment...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sammy Pictures...

Sorry for the is a slideshow that I finally figured out how to do.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Computer on the fritz...

Sorry for the long length of time without any pictures. Our computer has blown up and even the computer freak Jimmy cannot fix it. We need to call in to Dell (India) and have them send someone out to get it back up and running.

In the meantime, know that Sammy is a growing boy. His spouts of colick are wearing down and he is being more and more awake and alert. Yesterday morning I had a tough time leaving for work because he was laying on the bed, smiling and laughing at me. It melts the heart.

We hope to have some pictures up soon.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yes, you are my baby...

Yes, you are my baby!
Yes, you drive me crazy!
Yes, you are my baby and I love you very much!

One Month!!

So, it's been a while. Sammy turned one month old yesterday and he is a growing baby. His face is filling out along with the rest of him. Sammy is a happy baby for the most part. He has his bouts of crying for no reason at times, but his happy times definitely make up for it.

Here are a few pictures from the past month...

The Johnston Boys...

With Great-Godmother Mary...

With Great-Grandma...

With Dad...watching the Dodger game...

Kickin' it after a Dodger win...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Auntie Julianne

Sleeping like his dad

Here are some pictures of him sleeping and with the aunts and uncles. Apparently, he has gotten his sleep habits from the dad. I always sleep with my hands up by my face, and it looks like he has already inherited that trait.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Samuel Ignatius Johnston

He has come.

The contractions started to become more intense around 3:30pm, so we decided to head to the hospital. They admitted us at 4pm and took us to our Labor and Delivery Room. Lauren was doing great with the contractions and she measured at 5cm when we arrived. The contractions were getting stronger by the minute, so we decided to do the epideral. I had to leave the room during the process, but I came back and Lauren had a nice big smile on her face. She could not feel any more contractions.

Two hours later, we had the parade of visitors and Lauren had a huge smile on her face with every one of them. All of them commented on her great attitude. The doctor came back at 6pm and measured her at the same 5cm. So, doctor decided to burst her bag to hurry up the delivery.

Two hours later, nothing had progressed so she decided to start her on the petocin...

Finally, at 11:26 doctor decided to have Lauren start pushing. It looked like Lauren was doing great, but two hours later, the head was still not coming out. The baby's head should be face down to get through the pelvis, but Sammy was looking to the side a little, which was stopping him from going all the way through. The doctor came back (from being awakened from a slumber) and decided to move things a little faster. She helped Lauren go a little faster and at 1:51, little Sammy Johnston entered the world.

Tears could not be held back from Lauren and I. I was nervous, at first, because doctor asked the NICU team to be there because Sammy's heart rate was climbing up to 200 bpm. When he came out, his head was elongated because of the prolonged pushing session, and I was scared some permanent damage was done. But, apparently this is my first birth because no one else was concerned.

He came it at six pounds, one ounce and nineteen inches long. A tall, skinny fella'.

Mommy is sore, but she is recovering nicely. We are all enjoying our new gift. Thanks for all the prayers...they were answered.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

He's Coming!

It looks like Sammy wants out. Contractions started this morning and it looks like we will be headed to the hospital soon. Our regular doctor visit was this morning (thank God) and she said Lauren was 3-4 centimeters dialated and everything look good on the monitors. If the contractions got worse today, then we should go in tonight. If not, then tomorrow morning for sure. Well, it looks like the contractions are progressing, so tonight it will be.

Wish us luck!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bottom of the 7th...

...down by 11 chance, right?

We start slow with a run here and a run there. Eventually, there are two outs and I'm gonna be third up...we are down six runs...bases loaded. I'm thinking...there's no way I'll get up...BOOM...Ed hits a grand slam...down by two. Rudy gets up...dings a triple to right center. I'm up..."just don't blow it" is racing through my head. I hit a sharp grounder to the hole between third and short, but the shortstop makes a great play...but Rudy deeks him by faking to home...stalling him just enough for me to dash to first (bum toe and all) and beat out the throw by a half step.

So now the deuces are wild...two outs, two on base, down by two. Chuck is at the plate. I see the pitch go up...and I see Chuck's eyes light up...I sprint to second, knowing he's gonna go for it. He hits a line drive over shortstop. I'm knowing that I will tie the game, but when I touch home plate I turn around and see the ball went in between the outfielders and Chuck is hustling home. WALK OFF HOME RUN!

We win! Our first victory in about six months. It feels good to be on the winning side for a change.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Still waiting...

Lauren's guess date is tomorrow, but it does not look like it will happen, even though Sammy is positioning himself for the big dive. He woke mommy up early this morning with his daybreak calisthenics. It feels like he is doing the back stroke.

Baby watch 2008 continues...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Countdown Starts...

I can't believe it has been a month since my last post. Sorry everyone (if anyone is paying attention).

We went to the doctor today and Sammy measured 6lbs. 10 oz. Everything looks right on schedule. Lauren's birthday prediction was this Saturday, but that definitely does not look like it will happen. My prediction of May 6 is looking better everyday. Sammy wanted some IHOP, so we both ate some Rooty Tooty Fresh and Frooties for lunch.

Our house is officially a disaster area. We have been moving furniture and putting new furniture together. We are scrambling before the third part of the family arrives. Today is Independence Day, so there should be a lot more time starting tomorrow.

Lauren is feeling great and looking even better. Everyone says pregnancy suits her well. She might just get her wish in the coming months.

Friday, March 14, 2008

50 days and counting...

Well, we are almost there...tomorrow will be an even 7 weeks to the due date. However, Lauren is predicting April 19 to be the day our little boy sees daylight. She is claiming motherly instinct...and also hoping against hope because of our big baby genes. That is also Fiesta weekend...another big weekend where something always seems to happen.

I'm predicting May 6...we'll see who is closer.

So...instead of 50's between 36 and 54 days...take your pick.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Went golfing on sunburned. I also lost three balls. Not a good day, but a fun one. FYI...golfing with a hangover is not a good idea. The only cure is three Tecates on the front nine...and that is exactly what we did. Hair of the dog!!

Golf is another reason for the greatness of spring. As the PGA tour gears up for the Master's, I gear up in my own way...losing golf balls with a flair. I never thought I would be one to watch golf on television, but it is easy to lose an afternoon watching Tiger, Phil and crew spend some time on the links. Watching brings a sense of calm to me...I would even call it mindless bliss.

I'm getting old.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Matthew Kelly inspiration

The Beauty of Friendship

There is nothing more beautiful in this life than a good friendship. When I was a teenager, my father held out his hand, spread his five fingers wide, and said to me, "If you find five true friends in your lifetime, you will have lived a life infinitely blessed." At the time, I thought it was a little strange because I had so many friends, but as the years have passed, my father's wisdom has become more and more apparent.


The question I have struggled with over the years is, "What constitutes a true friend?" Perhaps it would be helpful for you to pause for a moment and reflect. Who are your true friends? What makes them good friends?

As a child, I thought friendship was about hanging out together all the time and sticking up for each other when others were critical or cruel. In my adolescence, I thought a true friend was someone who liked everything you liked and never did anything to upset you. But as an adult, I have learned that the defining quality of a true friendship is when the other person encourages you to be all you can be, challenges you to become the-best-version-of-yourself, and vice versa.

What sort of people do you like being with? What types of people give you energy?

As I look at my life and my years of traveling, there are certain people who I yearn to spend time with. Some days, as I walk through the airport and look at the television monitors to see which gate my flight is leaving from, I look at the list of cities and one will catch my eye. For a moment, I wish I were going to that city. Why? Because there is someone in that city who inspires and energizes me to be all I can be.

I love being around people who are constantly striving to better themselves. They energize me. They inspire me. They challenge me.

Socially, I try to surround myself with people who make me want to be a better person. I admit they are not easy to find, but when you do find them, they are more precious than any treasure or pleasure this world has to offer.

If you want a litmus test for choosing friends, use this question: Will spending time with this person make me want to be a better person?

Spiritual Friends & Loneliness

I try to apply this truth not only to my social life, but also to my spiritual life. This is why the saints are such good friends. They challenge us to become all we can be and encourage us to become the-best-version-of-ourselves. But the real beauty is found in their method. They don't preach endless sermons, and they don't try to impose their views on others - they challenge, inspire, and encourage us simply by living their own lives to the fullest. That is the social dynamic of holiness. It is attractive, and it is contagious.

If you and I sit down at lunch and you order soup and a salad, it makes me think twice about ordering a double cheeseburger with bacon and fries. If my friends are going to the gym after work, I feel that inner nudge to work out myself. If a colleague is honest and humble about a mistake he has made, I am humbled by his example of humility.

Goodness is contagious. The problem is, so is evil. The challenge for you and me, as Christians in the midst of the modern world, is to be examples of good living.

None of us realize how much we influence others. Everything you do, people are watching, and everything you say, people are listening. The influence of your words and actions is contributing to the way they live their lives. In A Call to Joy, I wrote, "You will learn more from your friends than you ever will from books. Choose your friends wisely."

This is why the saints are such treasures. They may have lived in another place and time, but they can be true friends. I'd rather spend a couple of hours with Francis of Assisi and Teresa of Avila than with some of my contemporaries on a Friday night getting drunk. I'd much rather spend time with dead people who inspire me to be all I can be than with live people who lead me to be just a shadow of all God created me to be.

I promise you, it is better to spend time with dead people who bring you to life than with live people who lead you to death.

From time to time, I meet people who are dating a person they know they don't want to spend the rest of their lives with. If you ask them why, they say it is because they don't like being alone. I have learned it is better to be alone than with the wrong person.

Don't be afraid of your loneliness. Use it as an opportunity to befriend people who inspire you. Harness your loneliness as a chance to befriend the saints.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Matthew Kelly

Yup, we fell in love with Matthew Kelly again. If you have not heard of this dynamo...check out his website. We heard both of his talks this year and have replaced Terry Hershey with the "must see" of Congress. He is only 34-years-old, but he has done so much in the past ten years that you would think he was twice that age. The way he views life and offers his perspective on how to live to be "the best-version-of-yourself" makes you walk away with a keen sense of improving. I know he sounds like all the other self-help gurus, but he is most definitely not. Amazing to say the least.

Of course, Lauren had to get his book signed and dragged me into the mix. I didn't mind meeting him, but I did not want to look like a teeny-bopper, screaming over The Beatles...even though I did want to scream and touch his face. Turns out his security force is pretty quick to react to fanatics.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Congress weekend...

Let's all go hang out with 40,000 Catholics! Matthew Kelly, Terry Hershey, Cardinal Rog and the rest of the gang are hanging out at the Anaheim Convention Center. Good times. Well, if you think analyzing your life and discovering that you have been doing things completely wrong the past twelve months is fun.

The funniest part of Congress is Friday at meal time. All the Catholics go to the snack bar and the catering staff never understands that Congress Friday always falls during Lent, yet, every year they serve specials of hamburgers, chicken sandwiches and beef soup. Hmm...let's survey the market segment and see the demand before we offer the supply...12th grade economics.

We will be buying bibles, discussing Terry Hershey topics, falling in love with Matthew Kelly again, dodging a few nuns with canes, sampling some Dippin' Dots, holding Ed as he cries off his thirties, skipping some afternoon sessions, napping, eating, singing, praising, clapping, praying, confessing, wandering, walking, tripping, falling, spending, borrowing, carrying, laughing, crying and leaving.

A full weekend. See you Monday.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Slowest Sports Month of the Year...

Ugh...finally February is coming to a close. Baseball players have reported to Spring Training, NCAA Basketball is nailing down who is going to the Big Dance and basketball and hockey are in the stretch run of their seasons. Wow...we have to stoop pretty low to entertain ourselves in February. I went to Vegas this past weekend and had to put a bet in on hockey...Go Ducks!

Even horse-racing has taken a turn for the worse as California tracks have replaced the dirt with an artificial surface...much to the chagrin of the betting public. We have yet to make heads or tails on how this affects the handicapping.

This Thursday, the Dodgers play the Braves in the first spring training game. Friday is the first televised game...March can't come soon enough.

On another note...I've actually been reading books and talking with my wife...turns out she is a pretty nice lady.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Human!

Here is the latest picture of Baby Johnston. We are pushing ten weeks until the due date and we are all getting excited. Mom is getting bigger, but since I was 10lbs and she was almost 9lbs...we know Lauren is in for a big belly.

We went to our doctor a few weeks ago and she said she would not be doing an ultrasound until 37-weeks. This was much too long for us to wait and we wanted to know for sure if we were to expect extra baggage in the crotchal area. We had heard stories of babies who were thought to be one gender, end up being the other. So Lauren persuaded the nurses at Queen of the Valley to do some investigating. They did all the crotch shots and other angles to make sure we were seeing what we were seeing.

It's a boy...unless it's a girl that incredibly knitted a purse and stuck it between her legs. But, I'm going with the boy theory.

Friday, January 25, 2008

99 days and counting!

The date is approaching fast! Lauren's belly is growing and little Samuel is kicking like a rugby player. I think he sees mommy's bladder as a big soccer ball. Great job, son.

I think the education is about to begin. We bought "The Baby Book" by Dr. William Sears, which was recommended highly from friends of ours. He wrote the book from asking parents around him what they did for this and what they did for that. It looks like a pretty extensive book and I plan to use it to become the best father possible. Obviously, you don't learn to be a dad by reading a book, but at least I can learn from other people how to not completely screw up the kid. But, that is not a given either.

I will let Lauren deal with "The Birth Book", because all I have to do is pick the cigars...right?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's a Boy! least that is the first call. We have all heard the horror stories of doctors being wrong, particularly after all the baby clothes have been bought. "I thought you guys didn't want to know", I hear you say? Well, here is how it went down.

So, we went to our appointment for the normal checkup. The baby had gotten big enough for our doctor to do all her usual tests...checking the four chambers of the heart, two kidneys, stomach..."Oh...and it's a boy!". Lauren and I just look at each other with mouths open. Oops.

So, it's a boy for now. But, we'll check with her each visit to make sure it stays the same. I'm getting ready to sign him up for Little League. Do they accept payments for Spring 2013?

If you are having trouble seeing what the ultrasound is showing...picture the baby looking at you (you can see one eye socket) with his hand to his face in the "thinking man" pose. He might even be flipping us off.