Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Longest Month

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Live Poets Society Entry
To become a parent is a life-changing event.
You begin to wonder how your days will be spent.
Your life as you know it is no longer yours,
Morning until night, a day full of chores.
You look at your parents and know what they went through,
The blood, sweat and tears they spent, just to raise you.
A parent's love is never fully known,
Until their child has a child of their own.
The late nights, early mornings and winks in between.
You begin to wonder when your pillow was last seen.
The crying, the burping and yes, tantrums too.
But all of this is worth it when he laughs and smiles at you.
From sit to stand to walk, talk and run,
Never did I think I would have this much fun.
How can a child make us laugh out loud?
Never in my life have I been so proud.
And just when you think you know what to do.
Your wife looks up and says..."Here comes number two."