Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More waiting...

Apparently, this is the year of patience. We began the year by waiting on our new house...knowing we had to move and the anticipation that came along with it was hardly bearable. However, everything worked out there...for the most part.

We moved on February 27th, which was a day for a downpour. Moving in the rain is not fun, but if you gotta do it, you gotta do it. The movers had several breaks as they waited out the storm. And the dirt tracks into the clean house was not what the lady of the house ordered. But, it got done and we loved the house.

Then, Sam started to get bites. Not just a few bites, but dozens. We found that we had moved into a flea circus. At one point, I counted over thirty bites on Sam. His back looked like one of a teenage boy that broke out in a bad case of back acne. On top of that, Sam was sick for the first two weeks of March. Our housewarming was not very warm.

However, after two sprays of orange oil and a lot of work on unpacking boxes, we are "in"! Thank God. The impending baby arrival lit a bonfire under us that was only simmered by a mass marathon of moving, unpacking, buying, assembling, buying, decorating, cleaning and finally waiting. Did I mention buying? We now love the house.

The longest month of February has continued into the longest month of March. Baby Mateo is due April 2, however everyone thought he would be early. This was evident in the entire baby pool picking dates ranging from March 18 to March 29. Well, now it's March 30 and we are still waiting.

But, it is a good wait for we know at the end there will be a new bundle of joy and our lives will continue on the adventure of parenthood. With the arrival Sam we were nervous at the thought of becoming new parents. With the arrival of Mateo, we are nervous of Sam being a big brother. He needs to grow up quick, but I know he'll be the superstar that he already is.

Look at this kid!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Longest Month

So, we got a house in Temple City and we are moving in nine days. We learned we were selected as the new tenants at the end of January and have had to wait for an entire month before we could move in. I have to tell you, it's been the longest month. It has been a month full of excited waiting...very frustrating.

However, the house is gorgeous. It is a two-bed, one-bath with a loft over the garage. Everything in the house is brand new and the kitchen has all the perfect custom built stuff (built-in fridge and dishwasher, awesome stove, travertine floors...etc.). It is also right by Temple City park, which Sam will love.

So, we are moving...again...

Sam is getting cuter and more fun every day. He learns a new word each day and I swear he read his first two words the other day...elephant and mouth. I swear the kid's a genius.

Greg and Mary gave Sam a rocking horse for Christmas and he has slowly began to love it. I don't know where he gets this stuff from, but the other day he used one of his toys as a briefcase and got on the horse like he was going to work. He also always has to have a hat on while riding...where he gets this? Anyone's guess.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Live Poets Society Entry

To become a parent is a life-changing event.

You begin to wonder how your days will be spent.

Your life as you know it is no longer yours,

Morning until night, a day full of chores.

You look at your parents and know what they went through,

The blood, sweat and tears they spent, just to raise you.

A parent's love is never fully known,

Until their child has a child of their own.

The late nights, early mornings and winks in between.

You begin to wonder when your pillow was last seen.

The crying, the burping and yes, tantrums too.

But all of this is worth it when he laughs and smiles at you.

From sit to stand to walk, talk and run,

Never did I think I would have this much fun.

How can a child make us laugh out loud?

Never in my life have I been so proud.

And just when you think you know what to do.

Your wife looks up and says..."Here comes number two."

Friday, January 15, 2010

A new year...

A new year is upon us and what a year it promises to be. It seems than every year from here on out will be momentous, but the first in our children's' lives will be much more so. This year will be filled with challenges and surprises, but here is hoping that it all comes out okay.

The year has started with the annual sickness. We don't get sick much in the Johnston household, but one sickly time always seems to enter in around the time of New Year's. I think it was me that was the originator this time, giving it to Sam and finally to Lauren. The good and bad is that with Lauren getting the cold, it turned into bronchitis and a miserable time for her. But, the good news is that she was taking out of work two weeks early. She is now on disability for the second time in her life and won't have to go back to NICU until (hopefully) August.

The new year has also brought me to my ten-year anniversary for working at The Huntington. I do not understand where the years have gone, but a decade has passed since I was the new guy on the job. Thinking back on all the people that have worked here, I realize that I really have been here that long because so many people have left to other positions...so many friends. I promised Viki that I would stay in this position for at least one year...well, I guess I held up my side of the bargain.

Most importantly, the new year has created a bigger promise to God. Since Sam was born, it has been tough going to church each week because of the huge task of keeping him happy (and quiet) for an hour. It turned into a burden that was easily avoided each week. However, by avoiding the burden, it also created a chasm that needed to be mended. Due to certain circumstances with a friend of ours, the power of God has become apparent in my life that is impossible to ignore. The miracle that He performed over the Christmas season has undoubtedly inspired an entire group of believers that will never forget. Because of all of this we are working hard to not avoid the burden of Sam for 2010.

Another burden that I am trying not to avoid is that of staying healthy. I have done a great job of getting out of shape, hopefully 2010 will begin the pact with myself to stay at a better level of physique. I always think of what would happen in a global catastrophe or Chinese/Russian invasion. Would I be prepared to protect my family and myself if I had too? Right now...the answer is no. I have to turn that answer into yes.

Who knows what the year has in store for us. But, those Russians are crazy.